
Fans go nuts at anti-MadWorld campaign

Fans of MadWorld haven't been too pleased with Mediawatch-UK. See, Mediawatch-UK outright called for a ban of MadWorld for, uh, well ... all of the violence in the game. Those in the country looking forward to playing the stylish title from Platinum Games haven't taken to Mediawatch-UK's call lightly, as it's reported that Mediawatch-UK has received "a rain of hostile emails from gamers poured into our office telling us to 'shut the f*** up', suggesting that we had 'got our knickers in a twist', demanding, as though we were on trial for an heinous crime, to know what right we had to impose our 'narrow minded bigotry' on them and stopping them playing an 'adult' game of their choice," says John Beyer in the autumn newsletter.

It isnt' just the more extreme, either, that've contacted Mediawatch-UK. "Others, of a more sober character, asked reasonably why we should be so concerned about games when there was so much violence in films and on television," commented John Beyer.

So, what do you all think? Is MadWorld taking things too far? We're inclined to think not, thanks to the setting of the game and the cartoonish, over-the-top way the gore and violence are presented, but different strokes for different folks, and all of that.

[Via Eurogamer]