
High Voltage, Yuke's collaborating on Evasive Space

High Voltage and Yuke's are combining their considerable powers to bring us Evasive Space, a brand new WiiWare title, in January. Appropriately, screens or footage of the game have evaded us so far, aside from a slightly natty logo. Yes, we know you like posts to have pretty pictures, because we like those too, but that's the cruel, harsh reality of life for you.

We have some details, though, even if they are merely word-based. Evasive Space will be a "top-down shooter," one with twenty missions and a pilot called Konki, whose ship players will control with the infrared pointer capabilities of the Wiimote. There'll also be local multiplayer for you and three friends, and online leaderboards. High Voltage is growing rather fond of WiiWare, while Yuke's is becoming fond of making not-wrestling games, two developments we welcome.

[Via press release]