
inFamous more about quality than quantity, dev says

Typically, developers don't start apologizing for how short their games are until they're released. But Sucker Punch creative director Nate Fox is ahead of the curve, talking quality over quantity before inFamous even has a release date, citing games like God of War and GTA IV as titles that left people wanting more.

"It seems to me that it's not about length, but about quality," Fox told Eurogamer. "And because I love both of those games, I hope that developers never try to shoot for a long game, but instead for the most fun they can pack onto the disc - at any length. That's what we're doing for inFamous."

The way we see it, discussing the game's length this early could only mean one thing: inFamous will only be 27 minutes long, 30 if you get all the trophies. You heard it here first.