
New PS3 ads pop up all over Tokyo train stations

It's not surprising to see Sony placing PS3 advertisements in a place like Shibuya Station for the company has been making the Tokyo metro station tours for a long time now. Shibuya, a high traffic destination with ties to trendy youth culture, seems to be a plausible locale for such advertisements. IGN's Anoop Gantayat, who took the recent photos of the ads, has translated the slogans and posted them on a personal blog.

Here's a breakdown of what each one says. The all-caps words represent the over-sized characters in each poster. Clockwise from the top left:

  • PS3 Console: "Everyone awakens here."

  • MGS4: "Finish the MISSION to completion."

  • LBP: "IMAGINATION that's learned from play."

  • Blue Shirt Guy: N/A

  • Lady Hugging PS3: N/A

  • Girl with Blu-ray Disc: "Beauty like a DREAM."

  • Guy with Controller: "The PRIDE of exceeding super realism."

It's an interesting campaign to get people to buy PS3s. There was also a PS poster with Final Fantasy XIII's "Lightning" on it. The slogan on that ad reads: "The COURAGE to seek truth." Check that one out after the break.

[via N4G]