
FFXI announces three new expansions coming next year

Square Enix, the publisher of Final Fantasy XI, has just announced the development of three new downloadable expansions for the fantasy MMO. Each of these new expansions are said to come out next year, and will be led by Masato Kato, who worked on the original Final Fantasy XI storyline as well as its first expansion pack, Rise of the Zilart.

The first of these three will be entitled A Crystalline Prophecy – Ode of Life Bestowing and is set to release in spring of 2009. The remaining two expansions, A Moogle Kupo d'Etat – Evil in Small Doses and A Shantotto Ascension – The Legend Torn, Her Empire Born will both release sometime in the following months. You can check out the entire press release, as well as some more info on Masato Kato at the Square Enix blog.