
Capcom shoots down Bionic Commando, new Street Fighters on Wii

We're just going to have to give up on this whole Bionic Commando thing. Capcom can't get it on Virtual Console, and, according to statements made by Christian Svensson, VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development, the downloadable Bionic Commando: Rearmed isn't going to happen on Wii either (though you can pretend it is, thanks to Mike!) He said on the Capcom forum that because of WiiWare's stringent file size limits, "It would not be an inexpensive process and I'm not sure the result would be completely satisfactory."

The same is true of Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, or, as it would be known on the Wii, Super Street Fighter II Turbo Remix: "It couldn't ever be Wiiware, even at 480p." Although Svensson offers the faint notion of a future disc-based release. "We'll see how it does on its current platforms and then maybe we'll see." That's a lot of seeing!

In the same info-tastic forum post, Svensson mused once more on the possibility of Street Fighter IV. "In theory, with reasonable downgrades in visual quality including resolution reduction, yes." He raised the very valid concern of how to map the traditional Street Fighter control scheme to the Wiimote and Nunchuk (Tatsunoko uses a different control scheme). Our answer: arcade stick bundle. Look at Wii Fit, Wii Play, and Guitar Hero: Wii games with bundled peripherals sell fantastically.

[Via Nintendo Everything]