
Ask X3F: Treasured memories edition

Geez, kids, we've got more questions than we can shake a raw hunk of undead flesh at. Trust us when we say that we're capable of shaking a hunk of undead flesh at a lot of questions, but this is overwhelming even to us. Are we to believe that you actually want -- possibly need -- our sage advice? We're truly touched. This week in Ask X3F, we cover child account promotion, saved films, achievement tracking and more. Now please stop touching us. It's creepy.

Got a question for Ask X3F? Maybe you have a story or some information you'd like to share? Send it all to ask [att] xbox360fanboy [dawt] com.

Hey guys been a fan of the site for a few months now and am absolutely jealous of what you guys do. I've had this question for a while now and its been killing me that i haven't found an answer yet, and have only now thought of asking X3F. My question is, how come no new games since halo 3 (at least that i know of have not had a saved film feature? Is it just me, or does no one seem to care? It is such a handy useful feature and the only thing that I've heard about that comes close to this is in Gears of War 2 and being able to take screenshots. After Halo 3 came out i thought the saved films feature would become a standard among all upcoming games...I guess I was wrong. Am I crazy? Is there some huge point I'm overlooking? Can you please help me make sense of this?

There's a very simple reason as to why more games haven't included a saved film feature: it's up to the developers. There's no doubt that saved films are pretty awesome, and we've had lots of fun using Halo 3 to make our own super high quality machinima. While there haven't been many games to implement the feature since then, we can think of a couple, most notably Ninja Gaiden II and Duke Nukem 3D. But, as we said, implementing such a feature is entirely up to the developers. It's also not the kind of thing that's likely to become standard anytime soon, as 1) it doesn't really make sense for every game (checkers comes to mind) and 2) it adds money and time to any development cycle.

Still, that doesn't stop you from picking up a video capture device and saving films on your own. There are plenty of cheap video capturing solutions these days, including the EyeTV, which is something we use to do the XBLA in Brief videos every week. Also, if they ever get around to releasing it, Blackmagic has a (Mac only) capture device that will actually capture full HD video from a component source for only $120 (no, seriously, only $120).

For the record: Left 4 Dead is just screaming for a saved film feature.

I was wondering if there is any way to see your total number of achievements in the NXE? With the old dashboard you could go into the achievement section and it would tell me that i had 1700 achievements. Im just wondering because me and a friend are racing to 2000 achievements and now we might not be able to tell who is ahead.

As far as I know, there is no way to check how many achievements you've earned via the NXE (unless you want to add up all the 'X out of X achievements' messages). However, you can track your achievements on the web., unfortunately, doesn't offer this service, but you can find it elsewhere. For example, we're big fans of It's easy to set up a profile, and then your achievement total is only a click away. You can also feel free to use their custom gamercards to plaster your gamercard on blogs and other places on the web. For example, here's mine, using the spiffy Cylinder theme.

But, if all you want is to see your Achievement total, all you have to do is open up your MGC profile. Again, here's mine (I have 1104 of 2956 possible achievments, if you're too lazy to click). The best part is you don't even need to be an MGC member to use this feature. Just stick your gamertag at the end of this URL:


Hey Hoyaboyd here I have been reading X3f since I got my 360 about 2 years ago. I have a question about the NXE. I heard you were supposed to be able to delete a 0 gamerscore game, but I cant seem to figure out how to do it. I bought Monster Madness, dont kill me I got it for $8 and sold it for $6, but I want to get the stain of it off my gamertag. Can you guys help me out? Thanks for the help.

This one is easy. Just pop open the guide and scoot over to the Games blade. Open up the Achievements list, highlight a 0 gamerscore entry, press X and select Yes. Done. Keep in mind that you can only do this for games in which you have 0 gamerscore. So, if you've earned even one achievement in Monster Madness, you're stuck with it. Don't worry too much though, we feel your pain. We managed to snag one achievement in Yaris, and now it will be there for all the world to see for the rest of time. Damn our mad skills!

Hey guys,

I have been a daily visitor of your site for the past two years, and I hope you can help me with this.I'm in tears. Last night, my 360 got one red light at the bottom right hand corner, right before i finished Fallout 3. The system failure screen says "E-74". I have an elite, and I have already gotten the 3 RROD lights, and Microsoft sent me this console about 7 months ago. I don't have a warranty. According to my research, the problem could either be whether my AV chip is broken, or my AV cable is broken. If my AV chip is broken, it will cost about $140 to fix. My AV cable could also be broken, but I don't know how they would fix it since i have an HDMI cable. My question is this: Should I just tell them that i have the 3 red lights of death? Since the warranty is 3 years, it would be free. Last time my 360 broke, they sent me a completely different 360, leading me to believe that they don't really check the system. If there is a problem, I could just say that there used to be 3 red lights, not one.

I know its dishonest, but I really can't afford to shell out more money on videogames. I have spent over 350 dollars last month and this month because of games. And, i really really wanna finish Fallout. :)

So.. what do you think?



As far as we know, if your replacement box is 7 months old it should be under warranty. In our experience, replacement Xboxes receive the standard year long warranty as well as the three year warranty on the three red lights error. Granted, we're not sure if your problem falls under warranty, but we're pretty sure it does. You can check your warranty status by visiting Log in with the LiveID associated with your gamertag and click "Repair your console" on the left side of the screen. This should bring you to a list of the consoles you own and show their warranty status. So long as your unit was replaced by Microsoft within the last year, it should be under warranty.

After that, try to connect a different set of A/V cables (borrow some from a friend if you have to) and see if that fixes your problem. If it doesn't, you should probably send it in to Microsoft. If you are out of warranty, then you could try to induce the Red Ring of Death, but we don't recommend it. Your console should be under warranty, if Microsoft says otherwise, we suggest you dispute it. After all, it's not your fault you've got defective hardware.

Dear X3f,
I am very aggitated as im about to turn 18, I have had the same account since i was 15. Now that i have fully gone through puberty i would have figured xbox would let me download so M rated games, especially since i can buy them. When is this age block going to be fixed? i thought it would be in the NXE but i was wrong.

Thanks for the help,
Obese Stickman

This problem was actually fixed about a year ago. To promote a child account to an adult account, open up the Guide, navigate to the system blade and select Account Management. From here you should be able to select the Promote Child Account option. You will then have to agree to the terms of use again. Also, if one of your parents used a credit card to create your account, you'll have to enter a new card to take it's place. You can find more info about this process here. Once you've completed the process, all restrictions and family controls on your account should be removed.

That's it for this week, folks. Keep sending your questions to: ask [att] xbox360fanboy [dawt] com.