
World at War back on top in the UK

It seems like the United Kingdom just can't get enough of Call of Duty: World at War, as the game is at the top of the all platforms chart once again. Need for Speed Undercover sits at number 2 despite some mixed reviews. FIFA 09, unsurprisingly, is performing well and is the regions third best selling title. Tomb Raider: Underworld is also maintaining strong sales, jumping from number 9 to number 7 since last week. Sadly, other titles, most notably Left 4 Dead don't seem to be performing terribly well in the UK, with the co-op zombie shooter falling all the way down to 34. Finally, if, like us, you've been on pins and needles wondering how Sonic's latest outing has fared in the UK, you should know that Sonic Unleashed failed to crack the top 40 on the multi-platform chart. It did, however, manage to land at number 23 on the Xbox specific chart.