
One Shots: The smoke clears

The thunderous rumble of footsteps fade; an echo in the hills. The battles this land has seen have been numerous and hard-won, as the bones in the foreground lay as a silent testimony to friends and enemies who did not escape the fray. Today's dark and foreboding Warhammer Online screenshot comes to us from Massively regular contributor, ScytheNoire, showing the strong walls of a keep, standing silently in a blighted, ravaged landscape. If this land could talk, the battle tales it would tell!

Are you fond of battle? Why not show us your favorite battle scenes - or ravaged landscapes? One Shots relies on reader contributions, so we need to hear from you! Just send a screenshot (or a bunch) to oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name and a quick description of the scene we're seeing. We'll post it out here for everyone to check out and give you the credit for showing it off.