
Popular Mechanics picks 20 best Blu-ray Discs for showing off

So we've already had a discussion over which ten films that aren't on Blu-ray, um, should be, but this one's about choosing the most beautiful of the titles already available. Popular Mechanics has listed its top twenty Blu-ray Discs in terms of pure visual incredibleness, noting that these winners "reward repeat viewing with great stories, evocative soundtracks and dazzling visuals." Understandably, a few from the Criterion Collection made the cut, with notable others including Wall-E, No Country for Old Men, The Bourne Ultimatum and A Passage to India. We didn't find too many avenues for disagreement on the films that were chosen, but we were taken aback by the fact that Baraka was nowhere to be found. A simple oversight, or a purposeful omission?