
Found Footage: Pete's FishCam

Remember the remote-controlled dog treat dispenser from a few weeks ago? Now Pete Raumann has come up with Pete's FishCam, which comes complete with an iPhone interface so that he can remotely watch his fish swimming around in a nicely appointed aquarium.

It's more than just a webcam, though -- Pete can also turn the lights on and off (both tank and accent spotlights), pan the camera left and right, and open and close the "treasure chest" in the tank. Pete used the same equipment and web-based applet generator from ioBridge that was used to create the dog treat dispenser.

Note to Pete: your next assignments are to build an aquarium-cleaning robot and fish feeder that you can control from the iPhone. The video below shows how the interface works on the iPhone, complete with narration by Mr. Raumann.

What are your ideas for something you'd like to be able to watch and/or control from your iPhone? Put it in a comment, and please remember to keep it clean!