
One Shots: Not your everyday monkey business

While great big apes have become pretty much the popular tanky-pet of choice for many World of Warcraft Hunters. having your pet ape tank for you isn't without some dangers to the poor pixel-monkey! Today's One Shots from Garumoo of Dath'Remar in World of Warcraft shows off a poor ape pet who seems to have had a chunk of his back taken out during a fight. Or shows off a really weird graphical glitch for the non-RPers in the house. In either case, Garumoo sums up nicely: no idea what happened here, even Breanni is stumped. We hope he is on the mend soon, though. The little black crater in his back just looks weird.

Do you have some screenshots showing off strange glitches, bugs, or other visual quirks from your favorite game? Perhaps you just spotted a re-used texture hanging out where it shouldn't be? We want your screenshots of them, if so! Send them to us here at oneshots AT, along with name and game. No other info is needed, but you're welcome to add it, if you'd like. We'll post it here and show it off to all our readers, giving you the credit.