
One Shots: Darkness gives way to light

With the darker part of the year almost at its peak, today we have one of the darkest areas from Lord of the Rings Online. Today's One Shots shows off an area we've seen before, but not quite from this angle. It was sent in to us by the Hobbit Minstrel, Poplin, who plays on Firefoot (US). He writes in: This is a shot of one of my favorite vistas in Angmar, Barad Gularan. It looks quite evil and foreboding but it has a kind of dark beauty to it as well.

We're still on the lookout for more One Shots, so if you get a chance to snap a few, send some our way! We're looking for all games - from AoC to Zu Online, and everything in between. Just send them to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com and show off your favorite game.