
Breakfast Topic: Winter Veil Merrymaking

Is this merry enough for you?

So, for those lucky enough to have today off, I'm sort of wondering if anyone's awake yet to read this topic. After all, I'm sure a good portion of us drank so much eggnog and ate so much roast beef, turkey, or your other meat or non-meat of choice, that we're all sort of wishing we could just hibernate for the rest of the winter.

But regardless, life goes on, and here it is the morning after. I'm sort of wondering, then, how many people made time to get a few winter veil traditions in as well. I admit, for my part, first thing in the morning I logged onto WoW, ran to Ironforge, and checked out what Greatfather Winter bought for me. Then I proceeded to run around with my crashing thrashing racer until I got 25 crashes and the Merrymaker title. Which I am not using because my character is a Death Knight. Death Knights do not... make merry. We're dark. And angsty. But we also like Violet Proto-Drakes, so what can we do?

Did anyone else make time to log on and get a little Merrymaking going? Did you just stick to more achievement gathering, or are you making your own WoW Winter Veil traditions?