
Wii Warm Up: Super Obsolete Bros.?

The big news out of Nintendo of Japan yesterday was an impending Virtual Console release of the original N64 Super Smash Bros.. I personally have warm feelings for the original title that none of the sequels have managed to recapture, but that has more to do with the circumstances of my life at the time than the actual game -- I just happened to be living in a dorm at the time, and Super Smash Bros. was a daily pastime among residents.

At least on a superficial level, the sequels (both of which are playable on Wii) improved massively upon the original in terms of character selection, levels, options, and extras. So why all the furor to go back? Is it something about game balance that is visible only to tournament nerds? Overarching love of the series? Nostalgia? Don't take this as an attack -- I'm probably going to buy the thing myself, and I'm not sure why.
