
Cinemassively: Sand, Episode 3

We're down to the last two episodes of the Sand saga. In Episode 3, directed by PG Provenzano, we learn that the mysterious lady's name is Gwen. The Colonists find her in a sleep chamber, but she communicates with them through a video screen nearby. She explains that the war for sunlight saw many victims, including her family.

As a scientist, she knew how to solve the problem, but she misjudged. Scion City's water crystallized and turned to sand. When one of the Colonists decides to avenge the death of the citizens, the others attempt to take him down. Tune in tomorrow for the exciting conclusion to the story!

Read on for more tidbits about the filming of the series ...

The four directors of Sand actually live on three different continents! Douglas and Michael are in the US, Trace is in Europe, and PG is in Australia. When you combine them with the actors, who were from all over, it leads to a big scheduling hassle.

However, they were able to communicate via Skype and Second Life. They found a great program, SpinXpress, that allowed them to share their rough cuts without uploading them to public servers. The files could be accessed remotely, at any time, which bridged the timezone gap.