
Daily WoW News

Daily WoW News

Your Guide to Dailies: Unlocking Blade's Edge
Once you are familiar with the daily quests offered in Skettis, you will begin searching for more dailies. After all, you can complete up to 10 of them per day. After all, who doesn't like free gold!

Warlocks and demons: The next ten levels
It never really gets old speculating about what Blizzard has hidden away for the future, whether it be for the Sunwell Plateau, Wrath of the Lich King or something else entirely. What's in store for Warlocks?

All fires are not the same
For all two of you that don't cook in WoW, we will fill you in. You need to find a cooking fire every time you want to cook something. But not all fires are fires, believe it or not ...

What's in a name?
The names of equipment in the World of Warcraft are really hit or miss. You have a few that are absolutely amazing, some that are downright awful. What kinds of names should epic weapons and gear get?

Netherstorm summoning restriction to be removed
To accompany the information about patch 2.4 regarding the ability to summon into instances, Tigole popped into the Elitist Jerks forums with another handy detail ....