
Ask X3F: a day late edition

Oh noes! We've only been doing Ask X3F for six weeks and already we forgot to work up a new edition on time. If you sat staring listlessly at your computer screen yesterday waiting for the timely Tuesday update, we apologize. Profusely. Please accept this brand new edition as though it were your Tuesday delight. We've put a reminder in our calendar and you shall not go (information) hungry again. This week we talk about NAT issues, downloadable games, Falcon 360s, and of course, the disappearance of 360s from retail stores everywhere. Find our newest store of delectable knowledge after the break.

If you've got a question for Ask X3F, or if you just have something to share, send it to: ask [at] xbox360fanboy [dawt] com.

1) Do you think that one day all games will become downloads rather than hard copies? I would like this other than the fact that if I wanted to sell the game, I wouldn't have "anything" to sell. What do you guys think about this?

2) If you were to dig a hole straight through the Earth and jump in it, would you fall out the other side and be "falling up"?

Oh, and has Dustin got his Achievement yet?!

-Adam Bowen
GT- Ownergizer8unny

1) We actually had a very detailed discussion about this during Fancast 051. The short answer is that it will most likely happen some day, but not anytime soon. First of all, gamers generally still want a box and a manual with their games. Second, the pipeline for full digital games isn't quite there. Reader Octantis pointed out that Xbox Live couldn't handle one million users being added in December of last year. Now imagine one million people all trying to download a 6-9 gigabyte game at the same time. Hell, even 1 gigabyte demos of certain games can slow Live to a crawl. Don't get us wrong, it will happen, but not for a while. Also, we would imagine that GameStop and other companies that thrive off of used game sales are trying to figure out how they can get a piece of the future downloadable market. If not, they'd better be.

2) No, eventually you would come to rest in the center of the earth. Once there, your flesh and bones would be seared and melted away in a massive, churning pool of liquid hot magma. And thus you would become part of the geological engine that constantly reshapes our world. Also you would be dead.

Alas, Dustin still hasn't gotten his last achievement in Halo 3.

Can a Microsoft Windows Media Center wireless keyboard be setup to work with the Xbox 360? All the Media Center function keys work, but the alpha/number keys don't. Do you (or your readers) know if it's possible?

Gamertag: JPSchneid

From what we've been reading, it looks like you're out of luck. It seems the keyboard is only designed to work with a Media Center PC. We're guessing that the function keys work because the same keys are available on the official 360 remote. It is possible to use the 360 Chatpad, though. If anyone knows of a way to solve JPSchneid's problem, leave it in the comments.

OK, so it's all over the internet how to open one's NAT settings at the router level. Easy. My problem is that I am sharing the wireless connection of my laptop with my 360, and the NAT is at 'moderate' which is fine for most games, but not Halo 3, and what is the 360 without Halo 3? I know it isn't the router because when the 'box is plugged in directly, there is no problem. Since I live in a big house with many roommates, I tend to keep it in my room, using the laptop for access. How can I open the NAT on my laptop? Is it even possible?

--The GFK

Well The GFK, we are absolutely not experts when it comes to networking issues. Frankly, network issues are the single most maddening nuisance of the technological world. Of course, it's possible to change your NAT, but we're not sure about the laptop part of the equation. Beyond that, we have to ask if it's necessary that your 360 share your laptop's connection. There are several compatible wireless adapters out there. They're not exactly cheap, but it is an option. You can find the official Xbox 1 wireless adapter on eBay relatively cheap. Also, just for grins, you may want to make sure that your router is officially Xbox Live compatible. It sounds like it works when your 360 is directly connected, but maybe there's some hitch when wireless is involved, and a new router is much cheaper than buying a wireless adapter.

Anyone out there have a miracle cure for The GFK?

Dear Xbox360fanboy/Richard Mitchell,

Can you turn up Richard's mic??

Also, and surely you know about this, but you may 'repair' your Rock Band Stratocaster as a stopgap while waiting on the replacement.

Thanks and keep up the good work!


We have no idea what you're talking about.

Seriously though, that should be fixed now. We're pretty sure this problem resulted in us moving the editing of the Fancast into GarageBand. Some revised volume control and leveling techniques should have resolved that now. As for the Rock Band guitar repair, we may try that.

Hey guys,

I've read about this problem on other forums and sites, but mine is a little different. I got a new console to replace my red ringed console but I was allowed to keep my Hard Drive (all my XBLA games are stored on this) and memory unit(I originally bought a core and added a MU and harddrive later so I didn't have to trade them in). Anyways, I cannot play my XBLA games at all anymore. On articles and other forum posts regarding the subject most people say they can play games when they're signed into live, and I can't even do that (I wouldn't mind having to be signed into Live - as long as I get to play them). Any idea what I can do?

(GT : OxygenJunkie)

Sorry to say it, but you've got a date with Xbox customer service. Frankly, we've never heard of XBLA games being completely unplayable though. Have you tried recovering your Gamertag? From our experience, the only way to get your XBLA games working properly again is to spend a long time on the phone with 1-800-4-MY-XBOX (or whatever your local CS number happens to be).

Hey X3F crew,

I've listened to you guys talk about the new Falcon chips and about how Alexander had to send in his power brick when his 360 died. I picked up an Arcade model last fall when my launch 360 died a second time. The Arcade model comes with a different power brick that is slightly smaller and has fewer outlet prongs. I'm thinking that is why you have to now send in your power brick. Maybe you'll get lucky and Microsoft will send you back a 360 with the falcon chipset.

BTW the Arcade model does not run quieter.

Brian Vaughn
gamer tag - voghan

Thanks, Brian. We might add that if you're looking for a Falcon -- and lots of you are, if our inbox is any indication -- you should check out the guide we recently posted. As the new Falcons start coming to retail, they're bearing some telltale signs that should help you spot them. Read the guide to find out what they are.


You guys seemed to forget about Arby n' Chief, so you might want to know that there are two new episodes. Here and here. Feel free to post this up on your blog.


Actually, we did see those. Funny stuff. We recommend them for Halo fans and people that don't like Halo fans. Give 'em a watch.


I jumped in late on TOB bandwagon and just played through Portal. I was looking through the interwebs about a weighted companion cube and found some articles that said it would be released by the 2007 holidays. I couldn't find it in the Valve store and figured if it was already released some info would at least pop up in my searches but didn't. I even found your original post on it but no related articles on release/pricing.

Has this already been released and I missed it? If not, any updates?

Cake is good,

Indeed the plushie has been released. Not only that, but it's available as a standalone, huggable Cube and as fuzzies for your car's rear-view mirror. Unfortunately, both models are currently sold out at the Valve store, and we have no idea if Valve is planning on making more. We managed to spot both items on eBay, but current bids place them well above the $29.95 price. Here's hoping Valve sees the light and makes more.

A couple of weeks ago I saw a post on your site about a Halo 3 Heavy Weapon school, and that there were some gamer pics to download, I live in the UK and have searched high and low and can't find anything on XBLM about it. Is this another US exclusive or am I missing something? I am a Halo fanboy and would really love to be involved in this, so any help would be appreciated.


Given that the both Sniper School and Heavy Weapons promotions are part of the U.S. Army sponsored Halo 3 Championship, we're guessing that any content associated with them will be U.S. only (boy, we're just full of bad news today, aren't we?).

Hey there, I've got a question that, unfortunately, I may already know the answer to. I recently got a new HDTV (52" from my old 37"). It doesn't have a VGA input, which means the only connection available from
my first-gen 360 is component. Fine, except for the fact that I've grown quite fond of 1080p HD-DVDs and DVD scaling - both of which I now lose. Any suggestions for the least financially painful way to step up to a
new 360 Pro or Elite with HDMI out?



First of all, we'd like to say that of all the "problems" we get on Ask X3F, yours is a good one to have. You could always hock your 360 online somewhere, hoping to offset the cost of a new unit. There are some deviants who would suggest you buy a new 360 and then "return" your old model for a refund, though we don't condone that (and there's no guarantee it would work anyway). Apart from those options, you're probably right, you know the answer already. Of course, our resourceful readers may have some advice for you.

Hi X3F,

Despite what that guy wrote you in this past weeks podcast, there is still an distinct LACK of 360's at brick and mortar stores. I've seen a few Arcade units in the last few weeks but that is it. That makes 6 weeks now since there have been any Elites and 4 weeks since any Pros in my area on the eastern shore of Maryland. I've got a couple hundred bucks in Gamestop credit and gift cards, so I'm stuck with them, but around here no retailers, big box or otherwise, has had any anyway.

Do you have ANY info on what is going on and when it will be remedied? I would not be at all surprised if when the January NPD's come out, PS3 significantly outsold the 360, because on every board I look on, nobody can buy them, except at a few online retailers. How long can MS continue to shoot themselves in the foot?


We're still just as confused as you are, Al. We've heard a few reports of people finding 360s, but even then it's only a handful of Pro units and a lot of Arcades. We've even received anonymous tips that the shortage is the result of Microsoft trying to sell off all the remaining Halo 3 consoles. If anyone out there has information regarding the shortage, please contact our tips line.