
Microsoft to use SpeedTree for multiple projects in 2008

The next time you're frolicking through a dense forest in your favorite video game, be sure to bark out your gratitude to the widely used SpeedTree program and its painstaking planting, positioning and watering of all the nearby faux foliage. Microsoft Games Studios clearly appreciates this in-game gardening, having just entered into a new agreement with Interactive Data Visualization Inc. for the use of SpeedTree RT, a cross-platform real-time tree-generating program. A variant of the software was previously employed in both Project Gotham Racing 3 and Project Gotham Racing 4.

The agreement will see SpeedTree RT, which has already been incorporated into the Unreal Engine, used for multiple unannounced projects on the Xbox 360 and Games for Windows platforms. We can't venture any guesses as to what these titles may be, but we feel safe in our assumption that none of them will be set in Antarctica.

[Via GameDaily]

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