
Wii Massage Feet

Wii Fit can be hard on your feet. So why not give them a nice massage? And by "give them a nice massage," we mean "make them stand on some plastic nubs." Japan Trust Technology hopes that the nubs on their Silicone Fit Cover Tsubu Tsubu (tsubu tsubu refers to something grainy or pebbly) will be just the thing to put them at the top of the burgeoning Wii Fit board cover market.

In addition to feeling neat, the nubs help players keep their feet positioned properly and prevent slippage. JTT is selling this item online -- in blue only -- for 2480 yen ($23). We make fun of stuff like this, but we can certainly see the appeal of getting a nice cover for something that we have our feet on for hours.

[Via GAME Watch]
