
Cinemassively: GTTV covers State of Missouri recruiting in Second Life

Government Technology TV has posted a video covering the State of Missouri's presence in Second Life. Missouri is using SL as a means to recruit people for their IT department. In the video, Dan Ross, the Chief Information Officer for the state, discusses what their in-world presence means to them. I'd have to say that my favorite part of the video is when they superimposed his talking head onto an avatar.

With an estimated 60% of their staff eligible for retirement in the next 10 years, Missouri is eager to fill those spots. They will be holding a career fair within the next month, so polish up those resumes! One of the more puzzling parts of the video is where they said their SL plot cost them only $4 USD to establish their presence. I'd like to know who they bought from, because that is an excellent deal!