
Resident Evil Zeroing in on Wii

The latest issue of Famitsu reveals that Capcom's Gamecube-exclusive Resident Evil prequel, Resident Evil Zero, is being prepared for a Wii release this summer. The port (and that's exactly what this looks like; sorry to disappoint the optimists holding out for a Resident Evil 4-engine remake) will, according to NeoGAFfer king zell's translation, be playable with just the Wii Remote.

This rumor seems entirely plausible to us. PortingResidentEvilgames tomultiplesystems: Capcom'sgenerallyinfavor. They're not crazy, either: Capcom made some pretty good money from the last RE port on Wii!

Check after the break for the full scan -- just don't be too surprised if the screens look familiar.

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