
One Shots: Loch Modan in alpha

Today's screenshot is a picture sent in to us by Eric R. It shows a peaceful sunset over Loch Modan that was taken during the alpha for World of Warcraft. Aside from crisping up the details and changing some of the colors, this really could have been taken in modern-day Loch Modan in WoW. Of course, this low graphic demand is one of the reasons that so many people are able to play the game; not everyone is as focused on constantly upgrading their machines like a goodly chunk of the Massively staff (and several readers) are!

Do you have an interesting screenshot from times long gone that you'd like to share? Perhaps you have an image from an in-game event, or just regular running around that you think people would enjoy. Whatever flavor of screenshot you have, send them to us at Yours could be here next!