
New Gears 2 Info in latest Game Informer [Update]

As is often the case with video game news, a sharp-eyed forum-goer brings us this story. Over at NeoGAF, a poster with the latest issue of Game Informer has been relating some of the Gears 2 info contained within. There's a ton of information, most of which is new (and from the sound of it) awesome. There's only part of the story online at NeoGAF, and we'll only list some of the better sounding stuff here, so be sure to buy the magazine if you want the full scoop.

  • "We have creatures that make the Brumak look like a baby panda bear." -Cliff Bleszinski

  • "We hear hints of all sorts of new multiplayer features, from dramatically expanded co-op modes to multiplayer content that takes advantage of Unreal's new ability to deliver huge numbers of the Locust horde at one time, but confirmed details will have to wait until a later date."

  • Different difficulty settings for each player in co-op. One person can play on Hardcore, one on Casual.

  • COG Centaur Tank (Monster Truck + Tank) There's a dedicated level where you get to pilot one.

  • Drop in/drop out co-op, with a fourth, easier, difficulty.

  • Forced walking scenes replaced with a dynamic conversation camera system (which is skippable).

  • Hundreds of Locust troops, all acting independently.

  • "Gorgon burst pistol and poison grenades, both of which can become part of your arsenal if you play your cards right"

If you're interested in a few more tidbits, they're after the break, otherwise buy the magazine for all the details.

Tali Kaliso is a new member of Delta Squad and will be around when the game opens. Chairman Prescott is the military leader above Hoffman and leader of COG forces. Dizzy is your driver, getting you from place to place with a southern drawl. Maria Santiago is the last new character mentioned, and Dom's search for her will be one of the game's major plot points.

  • There will be many, many, more underground enviornments, with much, much more complicated layouts.

  • New Locust enemies called the Kantus, which are "monk-like devils" and hit you with sonic attacks.

  • Kantus have the ability to "revive their fallen brethren from afar."

  • Moving cover. Think: "giant slithering rock worms"

  • "We want to fulfill the promise - it is a war. It's more than just these four guys."

  • They've worked on the story and sense of depth with the characters, it's a "darker and more heartfelt narrative."

Updated for simplification