
H3 McFarlane series 3 and free XBLM downloads just uploaded a bunch of media for their upcoming McFarlane Halo 3 series three action figures that are set for release this August. The figures (all viewable in the gallery below) include a new Jackal, Human Flood, War Chieftan Brute and Master Chief which were spotted a few weeks back during a toy expo. Also detailed are the exclusive Spartans that'll hit various retailers in various armor permutations and in various colors. Finally, to celebrate Halo 3's Legendary Map Pack's release, McFarlane will be releasing a free set of Halo 3 McFarlane gamer pictures and a theme to the XBLM tomorrow, April 14th. Download, look at those figures and keep Halo 3 on the brain, only because we're telling you to.

[Thanks, TMD]