
Mounts of the World of Warcraft: Rare drop mounts

Mounts of the World of Warcraft: Rare drop mounts

There are a few rare drop mounts in the World of Warcraft. These are mounts that are rarely, if ever, seen by the majority of players. If you are lucky enough to come across one, you have more or less won the lottery.

The rarest of the rares is the Ashes of Al'ar that drop off of Kael'Thas in the Tempest Keep: The Eye. If you are lucky enough to be in a guild that can get him down, you have about a 1% chance of having the mount drop when you kill him.

Ashes of Al'ar

Swift Zulian Tiger

Speed: 310%
Minimum Level: 70
Riding Skill: 300
Drops From: Kael'Thas
Zone: Tempest Keep: The Eye
Drop Rate: 1%

Speed: 100%
Minimum Level: 60
Riding Skill: 150
Drops From: High Priest Thekal
Zone: Zul'Gurub
Drop Rate: 0.6%

Fiery Warhorse Reins

Swift Razzashi Raptor

Speed: 100%
Minimum Level: 70
Riding Skill: 150
Drops From: Attunmen
Zone: Karazhan
Drop Rate: 0.7%

Speed: 100%
Minimum Level: 60
Riding Skill: 150
Drops From: Bloodlord Mandokir
Zone: Zul'Gurub
Drop Rate: 1.2%

Deathcharger Reins

Reins of the Raven Lord

Speed: 100%
Minimum Level: 60
Riding Skill: 150
Drops From: Baron Rivendare
Zone: Undead Stratholme
Drop Rate: < 0.1%

Speed: 100%
Minimum Level: 70
Riding Skill: 150
Drops From: Anzu
Zone: Heroic Sethekk Halls
Drop Rate: 0.8%

Black Qiraji Battle Tank

Amani War Bear

Speed: 100%
Minimum Level: 70
Riding Skill: 150
Quest: Bang a Gong!
This is the final quest reward in the opening of the gates of the Ahn'Qiraji. As the gates are automatically opened now, it is impossible to get this mount.

Speed: 100%
Minimum Level: 70
Riding Skill: 150
Drops From: 4th Chest
Zone: Zul'Aman
Drop Rate: 100%
See our guide on how to get your own bear!

Swift White Hawkstrider

Speed: 100%
Minimum Level: 60
Riding Skill: 150
Drops From: Kael'Thas
Zone: Heroic Magisters' Terrace
Drop Rate: 2%

WoW Insider's Guide to the Mounts of the World of Warcraft

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