
Mirror's Edge reflects on Unreal Engine 3

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Although they have an in-house engine for the Battlefield series (Frostbite), EA DICE has gone with Epic's mega-popular Unreal Engine 3 for the Parkour-inspired Mirror's Edge. According to the development team (via Electronic Arts PR), the reason was that the Mirror's Edge project began early on in Frostbite's development, so they decided to use the more-developed Unreal technology instead.

DICE is also developing "a new lighting solution that truly makes Mirror's Edge stand-out visually." If you haven't had a chance to check out the trailer, do so now. Full statement after the break.

"With Mirror's Edge we deliberately set out to create something that was different from Battlefield. Frostbite is a very powerful engine but this project started a long time ago and at that time Frostbite was still being developed and was very closely supporting the Battlefield Bad Company team.

"Because of this we made the decision to develop on UNREAL technology. In addition, because we have a very unique art-style in the game we have been developing a new lighting solution that truly makes Mirror's Edge stand-out visually."