
Activision boasts 15 million Guitar Hero song downloads

Not to be outdone by its more innovative brother Rock Band, Activision Publishing CEO Mike Griffith revealed the Guitar Hero franchise has recently surpassed 15 million individual song downloads. The announcement was made during a recent earnings call where Activision also revealed future plans of the Tony Hawk, Call of Duty and James Bond licenses.

Viacom, owner of Harmonix, recently announced Rock Band has reached the 10 million song download mark.

It's notable that the Guitar Hero announcement seems to relate to both Guitar Hero II (Xbox 360) and Guitar Hero III (Xbox 360 and PS3) downloads while the Rock Band announcement appears to be a combination of Xbox 360 and PS3 online sales. While Harmonix and Activision continue their urinating contest over numbers, we'll just assume both are doing well in the content sales department for future reference.

[via Joystiq]