
RapidoWrite 3.1

Do you ever get frustrated with writing redundant blocks of text? Have to copy and paste text every minute? Well, RapidoWrite hopes to solve this problem by allowing you to create a keyboard shortcut for text, dates, or anything you want to include -- anywhere, anytime. Just install RapidoWrite, enable access for assistive devices (System Preferences > Universal Access) and set your keywords.

For instance, you could be typing a document and want to insert your contact information. You could enter this text by hand or create a keyword in RapidoWrite and type something like "MyContactInfo" and RapidoWrite would automatically insert your text. When you start typing the keyword, a little bubble will pop-up and allow you to auto complete the keyword (as well as list your keywords).

The best part of RapidoWrite is that it is absolutely free. That's right, you can download RapidoWrite for free from the App4Mac website.