
About the Bloggers: Jennie Lees

Twice a week, our writers will tell you more about themselves, and let you get to know them and the characters they play a little better. Click here to read more About the Bloggers.

What do you do for WoW Insider?

Currently I contribute the Ready Check column, which aims to cover raid bosses and raiding issues from an endgame perspective. Some of you may recognise my name from the mists of time, however -- I used to be a blogger for Joystiq back when they decided a spinoff WoW site would be a funky idea. Before I knew it I was site lead, until RL called me away. But like a bad penny, I'm back!

What's your main right now?

I play a feral druid on a European PvE server. As one of my guild's main tanks I spend five nights a week getting smashed into a pulp by pit lords, dragons and sexy-looking draenei, while leading raids and dealing with the endless minutiae of guild business. I also have far too many alts -- my favourites are the prot warrior and elemental shaman, though I keep a mage under the bed and have a holy paladin tucked away somewhere too.

For the Horde or Glory to the Alliance?

I always feel embarrassed to admit all of my characters are Alliance. I've had Horde alts, and am currently nurturing a baby blood elf tankadin, but the strength of community and friends has kept my network of alts all on the same server, all on Alliance.

Favorite thing to do in Azeroth?

Given the amount of time I spend doing it, raiding would have to be the answer. The rush you get when leading a raid that kills a new boss -- or even being in it -- is immense. I used to PvP a lot before the expansion, but these days I just take part in the odd arena match on my alts.

What's the best instance in the game?

Naxxramas. It's a cheesy answer perhaps, but I'm really looking forward to revisiting it. From TBC content, I really like Sunwell so far, and out of the 5-mans something like Shattered Halls is a lot of fun to tank.

What's the number one thing Blizzard could do better?

Give druids windfury! Class whines aside, I'd really like to be able to start alts at a higher level -- the old content is nice, but really, not the sixth time round. Specific to raiding, things like removing trash timers, fixing the amount of trash in Sunwell and its uneven spread, and repair abilities without requiring an engineer in the raid would all be nice improvements.

The best way to make money ingame is...

I'm a jewelcrafter, so 'nuff said. Prospecting and buying cheap gems then cutting them are still nice ways to make money, though the epic gem vendor opens on my server tomorrow, which might change that. Taking advantage of the market and selling specific things at a good time is always good, too.

Favorite mount?

Well, as a bear I do like the bear mount, though the old Zul'Gurub mounts -- due to their rarity -- and the black Ahn'Qiraj mount are all things I wish I had. I've completed most of the Scepter questline, but I'm not quite prepared to find a new server and transfer just for the mount!

Favorite piece of loot?

The Stormrage set. Moose horns ftw! Or perhaps the epic level 60 PvP set, simply due to the amount of work (and time) it represented.

When I'm not playing WoW, I'm...

Strange concept! In my non-WoW time I'm working on a startup company based around research in natural language processing. Sounds complicated, but mostly it's just a lot of hard work.

What accomplishment in-game are you most proud of?

Really, simply being in my current guild is something that still makes me smile. Back when I first started raiding I would look at those with the guild tag in awe, and now I'm running the show... Helping the guild get first kills on Kael, Illidan, Archimonde and everything else has been really awesome.

If you could add one touch of personal flair to your main, what would it be?

Customising the much-lamented bear model! I've looked the same since I was level 10.

If you had 10 more hours to play every week, what would you spend them doing?

Pimping my alts or levelling a warlock. I've drastically cut down the time I spend in-game lately, and it's working out great, so I really wouldn't want those extra 10 hours!

Other games I enjoy are ...

Console games such as Halo, GTA, Oblivion and Guitar Hero. Other MMOs -- I'll try out pretty much anything, though my dormant EVE and LOTRO accounts are testament to WoW's draw. I'm still waiting for Rock Band to hit Europe...