
Design an EVE Online billboard, win big isk

EVE Stratics

is running a contest where winners receive free game time in EVE Online.EVE Stratics asks, "If you could place an ad on an ingame billboard, what would you put?" At first glance, especially since this was announced on the official EVE Online website, you'd think that the contest would actually allow the winner(s) to put their own messages on in-game billboards. Sadly, this is not the case. Truth be told, that could be a total disaster anyway.

The contest is strictly out-of-game, but it's an easy way to win a few months of free EVE Online Time Codes, and maybe an Art of EVE Book as well. There's just over a week before the contest ends, and Stratics only limits you with a few terms:

  • Image size must be 1024x768 or smaller and can be in JPG or GIF (single frame, no animation) format. The billboard frame is optional and will not affect judging.

  • No vulgarity, graphic nudity, copyrighted, or overly offensive material. Slightly offensive is usually pretty damn funny, so we'll let that slide.

The contest ends on May 26th at 11:59pm, so fire up Photoshop and add your billboard to the EVE Stratics gallery. The billboard template and further details are found at the EVE Stratics 'Build-a-Billboard' contest site. Entries are judged on creativity and originality, and all submissions should be emailed to

Via EVE Online