
Comcast claims more HD than anyone, anywhere

Comcast continues to push on Project Infinity, claiming the most HD content available anywhere, anytime. While it's channel count is dwarfed by DirecTV's, it's fighting back with video on-demand, with more than 500 HD "choices" available. Showtime and Starz have added 4x as much HD content this month, while MoviePlex and Encore doubled up on their offerings. A Comcast-commissioned study (unsurprisingly) deduced that 79 percent of people who like movies want to watch them on their schedule, along with 63 percent of people who watch TV shows. Adding MGM HD and Fuse HD won't hurt that "choices" count at all while Variety has the lowdown on MGM's price, with a 50-cents per customer rate, whenever it is available, it'll definitely be something customer's have to pay extra for. Look forward to new kinds of promotions as well, following up on an American Gangster VOD tie in last month where subscribers rented the Denzel Washington flick, and got all three Godfather movies, plus Goodfellas and Scarface. Halfway to the promised 1,000 HD VOD movies this year, but will that matter against satellite's higher channel count?

Read - Comcast Hits 500 HD Choices Providing Consumers with the Most HD Content Available Anywhere, Anytime
Read - MGM net high on Comcast