
Oh BTW, Square Enix has 'lineup' of Xbox 360 titles

Remember, oh ... an hour or so ago, when Square Enix announced a release date for Unfinite Indiscovery (or whatever it's called)? Spencer at Siliconera – or ol' eagle eyes, as we like to call him – spotted an interesting phrase in the accompanying press release, referring to IU as "the first in a completely new lineup of Square Enix titles for Xbox 360." Is that so?

Since it's a "new" lineup, we're pretty sure that the multiplatform Last Remnant would be included in there; however,
we're quite certain that – in the ancient and often unknowable language of PR speak – a "lineup" could be as few as two titles so there may be nothing more to see here. Regardless, they did say "new lineup" so if you must speculate – and we know you must – let's save the "Final Fantasy XIII for Xbox 360 confirmed" diatribes for another day, hmm?

[Via Siliconera]