
NBC Universal teams up with DISH Network for interactive advertising

There's little doubt that interactive advertising has arrived, and while we just heard that Macrovision would be taking a look at DVR usage in order to better position its marketing attack, NBC Universal has now partnered up with DISH Network in order to do something similar. The agreement will provide "interactive trigger capabilities to NBC Universal's 14 television networks and 10 NBC owned-and-operated TV stations," and DISH subscribers who own a DVR will "able to use their remote controls to request more information from advertisers about their products or to receive coupons for various product discounts." As predicted, clicking on such an ad will take a viewer to a page to learn more about a given product, and once he / she is all done soaking it in, they can continue watching right where they left off. Of course, we're still curious as to the amount of people who will actually take a moment to distract themselves in this manner, but hey, it sounds goods in theory.

[Image courtesy of DBSTalk]