
Named warg terrorizes Lorebook

When The Lord of the Rings Online players think of the Chetwood, they usually think first of the Blackwold brigands. Most quests in the area are focused on that humanoid nuisance. But something far darker lurks in the Chetwood -- Baugurch, the vicious warg who terrorizes the nightmares of lowbies everywhere! Err, okay, just lowbies in the Chetwood.

Baugurch is the subject of Turbine's latest featured Lorebook article. Sure, this named mob is only level 15, but even the low level nasties have to have a history in LotRO. Plus, he's elite, so it's special. Apparently Baugurch originally hailed (or growled, one imagines) from Angmar. Our guess is that the Angmarrim kicked him out for being too low level.

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