
Blu-ray releases on June 3rd, 2008

This is the week that many have been waiting for. The week where Paramount finally opens the floodgates and officially releases all those titles on Blu that were previously available. The biggest Paramount release to make its HD debut is without a doubt There Will Be Blood (IMDB 8.5) followed by Cloverfield, but the rest are no slouch either. But while we wait until the end of July for the last previously Red studio to go Blu brining just about all of Hollywood together behind one format -- Fox, Warner, and MGM open the classics flood gates with some very famous titles like the Dirty Harry franchise and Patton. So while our total went up by 51 titles this week thanks to Paramount and others, there is still at least one good movie released exclusively on DVD this week in the way of Control (IMDB 8.0) thanks to Weinstein. Regardless of one missing title, we'd be surprised if there was any movie fan who couldn't find something to watch this week, so enjoy it until the next title drought.

Blu-ray 605*


* Blu-ray total does reflect 32 Paramount titles that were previously officially unavailable.