
GamerDNA offers Frostmourne replica contest

GamerDNA, the GuildCafe offshoot, has opened up a new contest to World of Warcraft players. Send in a screenshot of your character -- armored, naked, alive, dead, it doesn't matter -- and you stand a chance to win a replica of Frostmourne, Arthas' evil runeblade from Epic Weapons.

The sword itself is a $379 value, but of nearly equal worth to many players is the $20 game card that five players could win by entering a picture they've created themselves, either traditionally or digitally. These hand-done portraits are also eligible for the Frostmourne prize. To enter, simply register for GamerDNA through GuildCafe and send in your favorite character's picture. The deadline is June 30th, so get snapping!

[Thanks, Sam!]