
One Shots: The floating city

As we've mentioned a few times before, our regular One Shots contributor, Wookers, has been vacationing in the lands of Vanguard. He's sent back several absolutely lovely shots, and the one today is no exception. (Although we do wonder what he's holding on to here.) This screenshot shows off an abandoned floating city, but things are not as peaceful as they might appear. Wookers writes: This is the abadoned Raki city that is floating outside of Jalen's Crossing. It is a piece of the Raki homeworld that was left after crashing onto Telon. It has now been over run by the goblins of the four elements. Sounds ominous.

Do you have a screenshot of an off-the-beaten-path MMOG that we don't see here very often? All MMOGs, old and new are welcome here! Just send along your screens and descriptions to us at oneshots AT and relax. We'll do the rest!