
What isn't making the cut from .Mac to MobileMe

On the surface MobileMe looks like a much better way to spend $99 than .Mac ever was, but there are a few .Mac features that are going to be discontinued. Say farewell to the following .Mac highlights:

  • iCards: I don't remember the last time I sent an iCard, but I always liked the fact that I could.

  • Web access to Bookmarks: you'll still be able to sync bookmarks across machines, but you will no longer be able to access them from a web browser (in case you wanted to check your bookmarks on some random machine).

  • Panther support: this one isn't that big of a shock.

  • .Mac slides: I'm not even sure what .Mac slides are, so I don't think I'll miss this feature much

Any .Mac subscribers out there angered by this list? Let us know in the comments.