
GameFly's Austin center 'officially' open, servicing seven states

Last month, GameFly was nice enough to drop us a line that it had opened a new distribution center in Austin, Texas. The by-mail rental service's new site wasn't fully operational at the time, but the company tells us the warehouse is now ready to cover seven states. The Austin site will initially service Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas and New Mexico. More Midwest states could be added in the future.

Jeff Kawasugi, VP of logistics at GameFly, says the Austin site will allow "the quickest shipping times" to the members in the aforementioned states. Over the years we've seen our GameFly shipment times drop dramatically. Turnaround of two weeks (or more) was normal when the service first started, and now it's down to about five business days. The main issue with the service seems to have shifted from turnaround time to availability of titles as the company has increased its customer base.