
Tip of the Day: Step into EverQuest's past

Looking for something to do today? A fan of MMO lore? The official EverQuest site has a whole series on Norrathian lore that might be just what you need to brighten up your day.

The series "Into the Depths" and "On the Town of" fill the official EverQuest site with deep looks into the lore of Norrath. We've talked about a few of them here on the site, but there's a long history of pieces exploring this fascinating world.

  • The Akheva Ruins - A desperate dungeon wall-to-wall with zealots and freaks.

  • The Desert of Ro - A wide, desolate plain of sand and death, broken only by a rich oasis.

  • Guk and Blackburrow - Two of the most well-known dungeons in the game, these are the badges of honor of the original gameworld.

  • Qeynos - The bastion of good humanity, home to numerous mages and clerics of the light gods.

  • Surefall Glade - A light in the wilderness, home to rangers, druids, and lots of surly bears.

  • Kaladim - The home of the dwarves, carved from solid rock by the most stalwart of craftsmen.

  • Grobb - Home to the highly unpleasant Trolls of the Innothule swamp, base of their deadly and unpredictable exploits.

  • Kelethin - The fabled city of the Wood Elves, high in the trees of the Faydark forest.

  • Halas - The ice-plains of the North are broken only by the home of the barbarian hordes, a rough and tumble town only barely more civilized than the beasts.

  • Felwithe - The High Elf bastion of arcane knowledge and civilization, set amidst the natural beauty of the forest.

  • Oggok - The foul home of the ogre race, a place "few non-ogres pray they ever see."

  • Ak'anon - The mechanical realm of the gnomes, this unique steampunk realm is a jewel of knowledge amidst the fantasy of Norrath.