
The heartwarming tale of a child's brand switch to PlayStation 3

Looking for a sickly-sweet bedtime story? How's this for you: Jane Wells over at CNBC offers up her "ultimate proof" that Sony is winning this 'console war'. You could read her story if you'd like, or if you're in a hurry, read our truncated version. Wells' 16-year-old son is an Xbox Fanboy. He had a PS-One, but when the Xbox came out, he stuck with the Microsoft console ever since. We don't blame him -- he was the perfect age to grow up with Halo and the like.

To him, Sony didn't have the great games. Until he watched the Sony Press Conference from E3. He heard about what's coming up and finally got a good look at Metal Gear Solid 4. That was enough. He packed up his 360 and all his games and traded them at Gamestop for the PS3 and a copy of MGS4. An Xbox fanboy actually dumped his favorite line of consoles because of a single press conference. Has anyone else experienced, personally or through a friend, a complete brand switch like this?