
Age of Conan developer's stock drops by half

Funcom, developers of supposed MMORPG-hit Age of Conan, has seen its stock drop 55% over the last couple weeks. The stock has gone from $54 to $24 (as of last Friday) per share as speculation continues about how successful AoC actually is.

Massively notes that there's no way of knowing how many players actually stayed beyond the free 30-day trial and Funcom's done some phenomenal PR spin on the topic; however, we do know that the game has had strong sales at retail. The $54 price may have been a bubble, though, since $24 is what the company had been trading at earlier this year. If the price drops down further, then it looks like investors don't like what they're hearing about the game and are losing confidence in the company.

[Via Massively]