
MadWorld interview reveals more on multiplayer, MotionPlus, Man Darts

Siliconera has snagged a short interview with Sega Associate Producer Christopher Kaminski about Platinum Games' forthcoming MadWorld. Topics covered include whether or not the gorefest will support the Wii MotionPlus (it won't, sadly), more of the backstory, and whether the title will accomodate multiple players (Kaminski gave a "no comment" to this one, which keeps our hopes for a MadWorld multiplayer mode alive).

There was also some discussion about "Man Darts," another of MadWorld's ridiculously over-the-top finishing moves -- one that involves whacking dudes with a baseball bat, brutally slamming them into a giant dartboard. Judging by the above screenshot, points can be scored, making this sort of a game within a game. Siliconera's Spencer Yip wondered if this could be played as a party game. "I'm going to go with no comment with that one," replied Kaminski.

Probably the wisest response, but it looks a lot more fun than Game Party.
