
One Shots: Boot to the head

Finudir of Gondor just keeps the cool screenshots of his adventures with his fellowship rolling in from Lord of the Rings Online. Today we have this screenshot of them battling a particularly feisty Ongburz Rock-heaver, with surprising consequences, for everyone to enjoy. He writes in:

For weeks, Galoros and Finudir of Gondor had scouted the orc camps at Dol Dînen trying to determine their intent and weaknesses. Finally last night, it was decided that the time was ripe to strike. Things went rather smoothly, but Robertolangoiz (affectionately called Bobby) would tell you differently as I'm sure he's feeling the pain of getting punted by a troll, which sent him flying a few dozen yards (seen on the left side of the pic). He can't be feeling too good this morning. Sorry Bobby.

Do you have a painful moment captured on "film"? Perhaps you have a screenshot where we can work in another Dr. Demento reference? Whatever your game, your reason, or your screen is about, we'd love to see them! Attach it via digital email carrier pigeon and wing that screenshot over to us with a quick description on what we're seeing -- and feel free to suggest your own pop culture reference if that's your thing! You never know, we might use it next.