
Final Fantasy XIII summons revealed in concept illustrations

Not too many made it into Square Enix's DKΣ3713 Private Party, because it is, you know, private. Luckily for us, not only was Gpara on the swanky guest list, they even managed to snap photos of the event for all to see. Unfortunately, Square Enix has a nasty habit of showing new trailers inside closed theaters that do not allow cameras, so we won't see any stills from those exclusive videos.

What we'll see instead are some concept illustrations of the locale and summon creatures of the Final Fantasy XIII universe. All of the locale shown seems to be aerial; does that mean the game will feature a Zeal-like kingdom? We also get a first glimpse at new interpretations of old summons like Shiva, Ifrit and Carbuncle. Take a look here.

Lastly, they have pictures of the Square Enix Goods Shop. We avoided looking at most of the pictures, because frankly, if we can't get our grubby little hands on those goods, we'd rather not look at all.