
Bionic Commando: Rearmed to get Trophies, Dead Rising hinted

Add one more to the growing list of Trophy-supported games. Capcom's Bionic Commando: Rearmed is coming out this week on the PSN, and while it won't support Trophies at launch, they will be patched in later at some point. For an idea of what the Trophies may look like, visit to see the full list of Achievements. Looks like these Trophies may not be too difficult to get ... except for the one where you have to beat the game on Super Hard. Ouch!

But that's not all -- Capcom's John Diamonon has been responding to every comment on the and had this fun quip at a reader -- "You haven't seen the last of Dead Rising." ZOMG? Perhaps. But, as Diamonon wisely noted: "In general, it's always good to keep expectations low, lol, just so you don't get too dissapointed." Truer advice has never been spoken on the internet.

[Thanks, Gambit07!]