
The Tuesday Morning Post: I survived the Fail Murloc edition

Good Tuesday Morning, everyone! By now, I'm sure you're all aware of the amazing and frustrating odyssey that has been the attempt to secure BlizzCon tickets, as documented here by Mike. This writer finally managed to buy his ticket only at 9 PM PDT yesterday, despite having been poised at the virtual ticket counter since approximately 7 AM yesterday. The sight of the Fail Murloc and his cousin the Fail SCV (shown at right) have almost been burned into my very retinas. As of this writing, some of my colleagues still haven't managed to get through to buy a ticket.

As a reminder, the store will reopen sometime this morning, and Blizzard has said that there are a lot of tickets remaining.

Despite the hubbub, all this trouble hasn't (completely) dampened our enthusiasm for the wonders of BlizzCon. We've spent the refreshing time tossing around speculations about what we'll see on October 10th. See if our predictions match up with yours.

In other news, it's an extended maintenance this morning, which means downtime goes from 3 AM PDT to at least 11 AM PDT, which means you should have plenty of time to read WoW Insider. There's plenty of news to catch up on, of course, especially with a new build hitting the Wrath Beta servers. Let's take a look at some of it:

Wrath Beta Hot News and Features:

  • Blizzcast episode 4 came out yesterday. It includes some Dungeon Q&A with Lead Designer Jeff Kaplan, as well as some intriguing profession information.

  • Ask a Beta Tester continues apace. Check out the back issues, and if your question hasn't been answered, ask away in the comments latest installment!

  • This latest Lichborne covers the ins and outs of the latest iteration of the Death Knight Unholy tree.

  • Find yourself thinking back to some old familiar faces from your leveling days? You may see them again in Wrath. Check our gallery and see if your favorites are in.

  • Death Knights are looking more and more deathly these days. Check out this gallery to see what we mean.

Class news:

Professions, Items, and Odds and Ends:

In non-Wrath related news, try some of the following tidbits: