
Bionic Commando and Pub Games release to XBLA

Continuing the sizzling HOT Summer of Arcade lineup, today sees the release of the fan favorite Bionic Commando: Rearmed and gambling addicts favorite Fable 2 Pub Games. We're sure you heard all about each game, so we'll spare you the fluffy details. But you should know each XBLA purchase will set you back 800 Microsoft points, unless you already pre-ordered Fable 2 at participating retailers, then you received the Pub Games for free. What are these participating retailers? Good question, and thanks to the NeoGAF forums, we've posted a list of Pub Games promotion retailers after the break. Now go and enjoy your Rearmed ... you crazy, crazy XBLA kids.

Retailers Participating In Pub Games Promo
U.S. - GameStop, Best Buy, Circuit City, Game Crazy,
UK - Game and GameStation
Mexico - Blockbuster and Gameplanet
Aus/NZ - EB Games, Game, JB Hi-Fi, Harvey Norman, All Interactive, Dicky Smith
Canada - EB Games and Toys R Us
Netherlands - Bart Smit, 12Game, Xboxhome, Bol
France - Micromania
Switzerland - World of Games, GameStop

Source - Bionic Command: Rearmed
Source - Fable 2 Pub Games