
A tiny bit more info about transferring Rock Band songs to the sequel

We're not exactly sure how much of MTV Multiplayer's information about transferring Rock Band songs to Rock Band 2 is new, but it gives a tiny bit more detail to the process, which has yet to be fully explained. We knew that the transfer would cost "under $5"and that RB1 would receive a patch the day RB2 released, but we believe the detail about a "password" bundled with RB2 is new ... maybe. Either way, we haven't written about it.

Harmonix's John Drake tells MTV that when the game releases on Sept. 14, the RB1 patch will add an "export" feature to the game. Selecting to export will prompt the user to add a password included with Rock Band 2, after which a payment screen will be displayed. Told you it was a tiny detail!